I don't know if being a Brownie for one year really counts as Girl Scout experience when all I can remember is a nature walk around a few city blocks and blowing a ping pong ball across a table until I was dizzy (addictive to a child like me)! My latest life experience is joining this amazing group in a professional capacity. My quest? I want to be part of the leadership journey in young girls' lives. NOW ... I am a Girl Scout!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Girls and Airplanes (and Pearls)
But while at the airport, we learned something really cool. The first wing walkers were women. How brave! My daughter wasn't interested in trying it, though the steward offered her a pair of goggles (JOKINGLY, of course).
But it was still a little hard to laugh. It's the first Christmas for both kids to be at their dad's place. But my daughter and I traded our pearls to keep each other near. It was our first year of a new tradition ... Holiday pearls as long as she is a Girl Scout (in the spirit of Juliette Low who sold a rare strand of pearls to find the Girl Scout Movement). At our Juliette Low Leadership Society Pearl Sale, I found some "twisty" pearls ... A colorful dyed strand for her and ivory for me. So if you see me in colors this week, you'll know why!
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Thursday, December 10, 2009
Shhh! Don't tell my daughter!
I can hardly wait ... And I almost want to spill the beans! But my daughter is almost as connected as I am. So my nifty mother/daughter concept won't be pictured right now. But I'll post everything after it's revealed on Friday, December 18!
You can still go to the Pearl Sale if you have time tonight until 7:00 p.m. Pearl Sale at Junior League. 3633 S. Yale. Benefits Girl Scouts! http://pitch.pe/37395
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tie-Dyed Angels

That's what Girl Scouts are ... tie-dyed angels. And today I had a visitation! Once again, my little self-sufficient world was rocked with kindness, this one from a tie-dyed angel. This particular one could easily be the queen of all who have sported the signature swirls and twirls. And judging from her widespread fame in this area, if her kindness spreads like her dye, this world is in for a colorful treat!
Her helping hand was more than I could have imagined, and it feels small to just say that she went "above and beyond." But knowing that I'm leaving things in her hands gives me a comfort I don't even know how to adequately express. These Girl Scouts are AMAZING. From young to old, those who inspire young girls are AMAZING. And today, this tie-dyed angel made me feel AMAZING.
If I am ever ambitious enough to make my own costume for any reason, I may find myself rolling up fairy wings and squirting them with dye!
Friday, September 25, 2009
We're All Different ... Or Are We?
I am inspired by this toolbox. It looks very much like an organization. We are all working side by side to accomplish the same mission. While our sense of purpose gives us a particularly strong common bond, we each have different skills and talents. And we are plugging those abilities in to the same engine that drives the largest leadership organization for girls.
Lately I've been contemplating differences. They give us flavor in our relationships ... and headaches, too. As a professional Girl Scout, I work side by side with some of the most interesting people I have ever met. They give flavor in the workplace ... and headaches, too!
Is that bad to say? Or just honest? I think if we all admit it, our working relationships can be strained and it can sometimes make completing a mission difficult.
Oftentimes, all I need is a word picture to get a bigger picture. When differences seem to get in the way, my goal is to back up and take a look at the bigger picture. We're in the same toolbox. Sure, we are each fit for different roles. But when it comes down to it, we're not as different as we think! Each one of us is here to make a difference, and together we can do it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Girl Scout Friends
The girls are now Junior Girl Scouts ... and the relationships that have been built over the last 3 years in this troop are deepening as they grow older. Shy gigglers have turned into screaming huggers. And even though most of these girls haven't seen each other over the summer, they come together like they haven't missed a beat.
I'm amazed by the sense of purpose that is beginning to develop. Girl Scouts isn't just something fun to do with others, they are asking about who they are going to help this year. Their brainstorming was fun to watch as they all had more ideas than we could possibly enact to make the world a better place.
Their cheers, their laughter, their smiles, their friendships ... little do they know that these moments are building relationships that may stand the test of time.
This spring, a volunteer shared how meaningful she realized her friendships through Girl Scouting had become. Her husband passed away, and when it came time to celebrate the life he lived with a memorial service, she turned and saw face after Girl Scout face in the crowd. Tears came to her eyes as she told the story. And they came to mine, too.
What an enduring treasure, these Girl Scout friends!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Working Luxuries
My daughter is ill ... so I feel a little guilty for it being the reason I can enjoy working luxuries. I am spoiled rotten after several days of stovetop Italian espresso in Riomaggiore this past spring. Coffee in the workplace is no longer up to my "coffee snob" standards, so I have been suffering. But today I indulge! I have my favorite coffee, my favorite attire (PJs!), and most of all my favorite little girl in the next room.
Meanwhile, I get to be a work-a-holic for an organization I love (you would laugh to see my desk at this moment - one desktop, one laptop, one BlackBerry all in use simultaneously - regretfully lacking the cameras I left in my office to work with today) in the comfort of my own home ... for today.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sailing Through Life
I have to say ... this looks REALLY good right about now! Personally, the beauty and peacefulness of this moment are a much bigger draw than my desk and deadlines! But what I also love is seeing those girls two by two. Do they know they are learning things like teamwork? Do they know that they are fueling each other's confidence? Do they know that they now have a skill that makes one late-blooming, middle-aged Girl Scout a little envious?
Aside from one afternoon trying to learn how to windsurf in northern Minnesota, I have not spent any time maneuvering a sail. And with the pace at which my life travels, I don't know when the opportunity to learn will come. These are the types of things that I find myself wishing I had experienced in my youth. What a wealth of experiences are available to modern girls! Maybe I'll start catching up when I retire. If you see a windsurfing grandmother 30 years from now ... it just may be me!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Your Not-So-(stereo)Typical Hiker
I'm tall ... but not currently slender and probably not who you you would expect to meet on a mountain trail or in a canyon. I'm loaded down with cameras and am sporting brand new "gear" (recently discovered the value of trekking poles, multi-terrain shoes, rugged water bottles, and backpacks), and I move SLOWLY. So I imagine that seeing an overly equipped, rotund hiker sliding down a slope while rolling backwards is not a common sight. FORTUNATELY, I don't think anyone saw me! Yes, me. At that moment, I didn't want to admit I am a Girl Scout!
All drama aside (I won't detail the excitement here, but if you are REALLY interested you can visit my personal blog), I have to admit that my first thought as I was lying at the bottom of Red Rock Canyon after performing my magnificent slidey-flip was, "THIS WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!" I found a series of "hidey-holes" in the rocks, a perfect place with shade to eat some lunch and write in my journal. I bet I could have camped there!
Brave thought for me ... but made me wish I had those kinds of opportunities when I was young. I wish I could turn back time and be part of a Girl Scout troop that had adventures. I wish I had opportunities to travel internationally like girls do now with destinations and the like. But I'll catch up as I can. And maybe one day I'll actually camp in a cave and get more pictures like this ...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Cox Tells All ... about Girl Scout Outreach!

Many thanks to Dawn Lowe and her Outreach Day Camp for helping Cox tell our story (and theirs - about their foundation). They are doing two features, so be sure to tune in for the first one coming up next week.
Cox Community Connection show airs on Cox Channel 7 in OKC and Cox Channel 3 in Tulsa. Here are the dates and times:
7/6 1pm, 4pm & 9pm
7/7 4pm & 5pm
7/8 9am, 1pm & 4pm
7/9 11:30pm
7/10 4pm & 11:30pm
7/11 3:30pm & 5:30pm
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Girl Scout PR Stars SHINE!

Our girls got a special opportunity to be part of the Tulsa Area United Way press conference revealing their new campaign goal. It was the first actual press conference for all of them, and they were very excited to see the TV cameras! They did a GREAT job (and kind of stole the show). But what we really needed photos of was the parents in the back of the room. They were clicking and coaching smiles like crazy! Our girls really are STARS!
Friday, June 19, 2009
My First Girl Scout Hire ... Now a Mom!
From a young woman with a powerful story, to a woman with life-earned wisdom, we have been honored to be part of her life. What a joy to celebrate her marriage and now motherhood! As I shared with her today, she will be wonderful in her new role (as she is in everything), doing it with all her heart and a spirit of excellence.
Sasha, we hope for ALL the best for you!
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Sunday, May 31, 2009
Tie Dyed Reflections
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Friday, May 22, 2009
Girl Scout Goes Skype

Just a cute thing on the Social Media side of Girl Scouting …
My daughter (Miss M) and her new video pal (Miss G) enjoyed their first Girl Scout oriented “Skype date” last night. The girls met through their moms who became acquainted during a Twitter chat about Social Media tools last week. Miss G is in NY and her mom teaches Social Media classes. It was adorable! She would say, “Turn to page 99 (in the Junior Girl Scout Handbook). Want to play that game?” They showed each other their vests and sashes, their badges and patches, their workbooks, and even their dogs. See the array?
Who knows ... they just might work together on a Bronze Award project involving social media (a mini-class for girls their age, how to connect online and stay safe, something like that) ... we'll just have to see what transpires in the coming weeks!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Paying It Forward ...

Imagine, if you will, a party … a birthday party … a party for a 10 year old girl complete with decorations and cake … but a party with no gift wrapped boxes. Why? Because Hayley is a remarkable girl. Better than that, Hayley is a Girl Scout. Oh, certainly, there were gifts! But the gifts were not what you would normally find at a young girls’ party. They were donations for a cause.
You see, Hayley had a life changing moment when she realized there were girls who were not able to attend Girl Scout camp. The thought so impacted her that she was compelled to do something about it. She told her mother what she wanted to do, they contacted the Council to find out how they could make this happen … and instead of just a party invitation, this amazing young girl added a note about what she would rather do. She gave guests the opportunity to send a donation to Girl Scouts instead of bringing a gift so she could help another girl go to Girl Scout camp. She wanted to “pay it forward” so to speak.
Our CEO had the opportunity to meet Hayley to present her with a “Good Deed” patch and asked her why she did this. She looked at her for a moment, as if I should already know the answer, and said, “I’m a Girl Scout!”
Fast forward just a few weeks to a United Way panel gathered at our office. Just as we do each year, we have at least one girl speak to them about her experience in Girl Scouting. Ikera and her mother bravely shared from the podium. As Ikera talked earning her first patch, her eyes lit up. A panelist asked if she had attended Girl Scout camp. She had not been able to yet. But she dearly wanted to go.
In that moment, our CEO thought about Hayley’s gift and Ikera’s desire … and that afternoon we were able to make both of their dreams come true. Ikera was registered for resident camp before she left that day and Hayley’s gift had blossomed.
Imagine now a stack of Girl Scout cookies … actually, cases and cases of Girl Scout cookies. It’s common for Girl Scouts to sell cookies, but it is not common for a Girl Scout to sell them so another girl can receive the benefit. This Girl Scout cannot go to camp this summer, but she had been before and wanted to make sure another girl could have that opportunity. Who is this remarkable girl? It is none other than Ikera. And now Ikera is paying it forward.
Another benevolent birthday party was held by Hayley … another Cookie Sale is around the corner … another idea will be birthed in the heart of another remarkable Girl Scout … for this is what we are all about. Courage. Confidence. Character. Making the world a better place. That sounds like paying it forward to me!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Miss Tulsa, Damaris Pierce, and Uniquely Me!
What a treat ... not only were the girls going to enjoy a high-energy BYOU2 dance video, but they had a special guest! Damaris Pierce, a past Girl Scout and the current Miss Tulsa, encouraged girls to be themselves and pursue their dreams as part of the "Uniquely Me!" program. The girls listened, then they asked questions ... and more questions ... and more questions. We all learned that Miss Pierce has not owned a hippopotamus! But the biggest reaction by far was when the girls asked how she kept her crown on and she showed them. I don't know why, but to see elastic forming an "x" on the top of the crown was absolutely fantastic and they all gasped in amazement.
BYOU2 ... time to DANCE!
And dance they did! The gym full of girls was boppin' and rockin' to the BYOU2 video with Sabrina Bryan from the Cheetah Girls. As part of a special partnership with GSUSA, this video is being brought to girls all over the USA this spring. It was a great thing to see the girls enjoying themselves so much (and they said they could have dance for HOURS) and doing something healthy. I had to laugh. The adult Girl Scout staff members started off in the back of the gym ... but I think they only lasted through the warmup!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Laurel and Katie and Tattoos ...
Laurel Richie, Chief Marketing Officer for Girl Scouts of the USA takes a peek at a new kind of branding ... literally! Katie's tattoo has branded her as a Girl Scout for life! Katie is one of the many wonderful young women I have had the pleasure to meet in Girl Scouting. I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes another first for women in the NASA space program (whatever that first might be a few years down the road).
One of my favorite media moments was listening to her interview last year with a Tulsa World reporter (regarding her Gold Award) who was rather stunned to hear she had a grade point average of 4.2 and wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. I didn't know that was possible, either, but it was for this Girl Scout!
Girl Scouts are wonderful, diverse, creative and self-sufficient young women. Katie is no exception. As one of the recipients of a Juliette Low Leadership Society scholarships, she attended a recent luncheon where she had the opportunity to meet Laurel Richie.
Actually, all the girls who attended the Juliette Low Leadership Society luncheon (both scholarship recipients and older Girl Scouts) enjoyed a private session with Laurel afterwards. I was impressed by the thoughtfulness of our girls as they both asked and answered questions. They weren't afraid to share how the felt if things (like Journeys) didn't live up to their expectations and why. And they also gave feedback regarding cookies that was more in depth than just "new boxes please!" New photos, sure ... but they liked that the girls pictured were being active. And they requested that the colors of the cookie boxes stay the same (for easier ordering by customers who want "them there orange ones") ... very helpful to know! And Laurel said that was something she could definitely take back to the team.
My favorite part, personally, was just knowing that these girls had a change to both glean from an amazing role model as well as make their voice heard in an arena where they are significantly invested ... Girl Scouts. Thank you, Laurel, for making the girls a priority and hearing what they had to say!
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Young Engineers
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
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Friday, February 20, 2009
Thinking Day!
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Saturday, February 07, 2009
Happy Birthday, Kenzie!
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Friday, February 06, 2009
4 Fantastic Girl Scouts!
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Saturday, January 31, 2009
Smart Girl Scouts!
My own little one has been trying to figure out how to beat the "castling move" and I don't even know what that is. These little girls are so smart!
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Friday, January 23, 2009
Bring It On!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Forever and Ever
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Behind The Scenes

While preparing for a local television morning show, I enlisted the help of my daughter and her friend. We have some CUTE little PR Stars who will be on the air making Girl Scout Cookie ice cream sandwiches. But the recipe was chosen by these two and they made the finished product that got displayed on TV. What would I do without my helpers?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sienna Won My Heart
While schedules fly and so much seems like a challenge to do, I just have to take a moment to share a memory. In November, we had our first OFFICIAL session for PR Stars. Girls who have sold over 500 boxes of cookies were invited to join. Naturally, every girl is precious in one way or another, but little Sienna won my heart.
There was a lot of hustle and bustle with the Tulsa World reporter giving a session on interview etiquette, blogging sessions, and a super-fast photo shoot. This little girl was a bit shy and really wanted to keep her sweatshirt on. I took just a moment to talk with her and we struck a deal (but it's a secret, so I can't tell!). Those little eyes looked up into mine with trust ... and my heart melted. What a brave little girl! She made me so proud. Proud of her, proud of Girl Scouts, proud of every little moment that defines a brave step in a girl's life.
Have I said lately, I'm proud to be a Girl Scout?!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
KJRH Faces Off
A cookie crunch off is more difficult than it looks ... as Phil and Beth soon found out! The rare sighting of producer Phil Price must have thrown reporter Beth Burnett off her game. While it appeared she had lead the girls to victory, Beth hadn't actually swallowed several cookies and even more had been flung to the floor. Phil was named the winner. Hopefully, more KJRH staff will have the opportunity to dethrone Phil in a studio Girl Scout Cookie crunch off soon!