Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I found the Cookie Queen!

Funny ... Her throne was vacant. She was down in the dungeon. I think she was building some sort of castle? LOL!

This is my first experience with the big cookie sale. Of course, one of my preconceived notions when hearing "Girl Scouts" was cookies. The other? Camping. I had no idea how much leadership was involved ... and the wide array of opportunities? It's like you can create your own adventure in so many ways. I keep being impressed with what is offered and accomplished.

And in the case of cookies? It's quite impressive what these little goodies accomplish. Only 88 cents is for the cookie. We're one of the highest (and I think THE highest) Councils when it comes to outreach programs. This is one of the most major ways our outreach is funded. Plus, it goes into the programs offered for girls, and to individual "cookie credit" ... and as a mom? That's nice! The troop will be going on an outing, my daughter will have store credit for uniform components (among other things), and we are helping girls who may not get other opportunities. How cool is that?
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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Thinking Day 2007

This was my moment! While the girls all had a GREAT time at Thinking Day and mostly laughed and danced, this little moment brought me to tears. One of the first songs the DJ introduced of the night was a modern "Cotton Eyed Joe" ... and the girls didn't know what it was. They were be-boppin' though! Shortly there appeared an older gentleman on the dance floor doing the REAL Cotton Eyed Joe, and the few girls that were out there noticed him and started doing what he was doing. Before long, there was quite a pack of girls on the floor and he was the center of their attention and their smiles as they learned something from another generation.

Thinking Day is about learning the cultures of the different girl guides around the world ... but sometimes we don't even realize what own culture holds! I stood and took picture after picture, thinking about how wonderful it was for these girls to have this dance tonight.

I guess it strikes me in a tender place. I only recently learned that in my father's family, they would gather around the piano and sing and dance. My grandfather would dance with my aunts and my grandmother around the living room. I didn't know about those times, though, because I only remember him in a walker, then wheelchair. I don't know how to dance like that. And I don't even know how to do the Cotton Eyed Joe! Maybe I should have been dancing instead of taking pictures!!!
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A while back, a project for the 95th Anniversary Celebration landed in my lap ... a fluke, really. Someone had already done a flier but the file couldn't be found. There was a time crunch. As the new girl and one with all the layout tools, I was called in for help. As much as I love designing, I love REDESIGNING even more! I guess it's because I have a springboard. I brought the project home and did up something nice while the snow kept everyone away from the office. I emailed the finished project and one staff member asked if I could email it to everyone. There was much ado (along with plenty of requests to do fliers for others)! The influx of response was a blessing to me ... I guess I just like knowing that what I do makes an impact and an impression.

Today was the latest redesign project. It's a little monthly newsletter that is sandwiched between two biggies. This one is for girls who are not part of a traditional troop ... they are called "Juliettes." I still have a lot to learn, but this particular area intrigues me. I don't recall Girl Scouts being a strong entity in my hometown. But even if there wasn't a troop, girls today aren't limited by that! They can be Juliettes and go through the program and be part of events and projects and camps just like any girl in any troop in the Service Unit.

Anyway, I asked about redesigning the newsletter as more of a practical issue since topics are gleaned from a larger leader publication and I wanted to work within the design program instead of cutting and pasting and reformatting in Word. While I was out yesterday, my supervisor sent an email to everyone taking a moment to brag on me and show them the newsletter. I came back to much ado in my email! And honestly, it felt good. I really love being part of the work they do here.

I keep wanting to blog sometime about working here ... I will probably never do it justice! Unlike so many workplaces, there is The Promise and The Law that all Girl Scouts adhere to. But what makes it astounding to me is the fact that it's not just something written or preached. It's a quiet, confident expectation that everyone really does their best to follow these ideals. The trust that is extended is truly refreshing! It's as if I keep catching my breath and wondering if I can really breathe again ... and I CAN!
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

What fun to be around so many women on Valentine's Day! There is such a wide variety of responses to a romantic day. My favorite moment so far is when one older woman (who looks at least 20 years younger!) was called to the front and someone in my hall exclaimed, "Does she have a MAN?" The exodus began and I joined along with my camera to catch the action. Everyone wanted to know if she had a boyfriend! Another staffer was quickly into the card before anyone else. And the photos began. (FYI - no boyfriend, and I don't know who it was, maybe her son?)
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

I Promise ...

A chain of promises ... Little lives promising to do their best to honor one another and take care of their world. It reminded me of the beautiful "Promise and Law" which I am trying to memorize before the next staff meeting! I'll have to write more one day about the difference in environment here. It is empowering!

The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tulsa People Feature

I got to tag along today and see the photo session for a local magazine. AWESOME! Tulsa People is what it says (featuring people in Tulsa) and a beautiful publication. Back in December I had sent out a quick press release to hopefully tie Girl Scouts to charitable recycling during America Recycles Day ... and within weeks, Tulsa People called about some features for their "Green Issue" in the spring. Evidently it's one of the premier publications to be featured in, so this is really a treat!

Researching what Girl Scouts does to inspire environmentally active youth is almost impossible! There is SO MUCH available and in so many ways. I was very impressed to learn the little bits that I did. The girl interviewed for the article spent a month in Alaska on a "Leave No Trace" hike! For some reason they wanted me in the photo, but I haven't done a thing ... so I suggested her troop leader, and the two of them are pictured on the right.
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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Inspiring Girls

One of the things I love about being involved in Girl Scouts is being a part of the young lives that are flowering into a hopeful future. A very real thought as I considered the position with Magic Empire Council is the thought that I could make a difference in lives even if they never set foot in a church. I guess that's one part of ministry that is difficult ... what about those who aren't in church? don't want to be in church? are afraid of church? And then what about the ones who have been hurt by churches? beat down? had bad experiences? I want so much for these young girls to believe in themselves, listen to their hearts, and not be afraid to pursue their dreams. And as God touches them, I truly believe they will not be afraid but believe and listen to Him as well!
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