This was my moment! While the girls all had a GREAT time at Thinking Day and mostly laughed and danced, this little moment brought me to tears. One of the first songs the DJ introduced of the night was a modern "Cotton Eyed Joe" ... and the girls didn't know what it was. They were be-boppin' though! Shortly there appeared an older gentleman on the dance floor doing the REAL Cotton Eyed Joe, and the few girls that were out there noticed him and started doing what he was doing. Before long, there was quite a pack of girls on the floor and he was the center of their attention and their smiles as they learned something from another generation.
Thinking Day is about learning the cultures of the different girl guides around the world ... but sometimes we don't even realize what own culture holds! I stood and took picture after picture, thinking about how wonderful it was for these girls to have this dance tonight.
I guess it strikes me in a tender place. I only recently learned that in my father's family, they would gather around the piano and sing and dance. My grandfather would dance with my aunts and my grandmother around the living room. I didn't know about those times, though, because I only remember him in a walker, then wheelchair. I don't know how to dance like that. And I don't even know how to do the Cotton Eyed Joe! Maybe I should have been dancing instead of taking pictures!!!
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