Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Leadership makes all the difference in the lives of youth ... having good leaders to look up to is something I truly love when I see it in action.  I know I don't blog nearly enough.  But on a day* when there is much love expressed in the world, it's a great time to say how much I am inspired by and love every Girl Scout leader who has made a difference in a girl's life.

While I consider it a great privilege to work for an amazing organization, it's truly the volunteers - those who are working directly with each young girl as their leaders - who are the "rockstars" of Girl Scouting.  Not every girl has someone she can say "I LOVE YOU" to, and it makes my heart sad to think a young girl doesn't have someone who believes in her.  BUT ... I get to see things like this and it warms my heart.

We love our Girl Scout leaders!  And I am inspired by them every day.

*I just discovered this draft didn't post ... so those receiving the updates by email, this misses the Valentine's Day mark! But every day can be Valentine's Day in Girl Scouting, don't you think?
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