Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cox Tells All ... about Girl Scout Outreach!

Many thanks to Dawn Lowe and her Outreach Day Camp for helping Cox tell our story (and theirs - about their foundation). They are doing two features, so be sure to tune in for the first one coming up next week.

Cox Community Connection show airs on Cox Channel 7 in OKC and Cox Channel 3 in Tulsa. Here are the dates and times:

7/6 1pm, 4pm & 9pm
7/7 4pm & 5pm
7/8 9am, 1pm & 4pm
7/9 11:30pm
7/10 4pm & 11:30pm
7/11 3:30pm & 5:30pm
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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Girl Scout PR Stars SHINE!

Our girls got a special opportunity to be part of the Tulsa Area United Way press conference revealing their new campaign goal. It was the first actual press conference for all of them, and they were very excited to see the TV cameras! They did a GREAT job (and kind of stole the show). But what we really needed photos of was the parents in the back of the room. They were clicking and coaching smiles like crazy! Our girls really are STARS!
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Friday, June 19, 2009

My First Girl Scout Hire ... Now a Mom!

Sasha (middle) is a dear soul. She came to us after going through the corporate wringer and was my first hire at Girl Scouts. During realignment, we embraced more people, and I would like to think Kami (right) and I armwrestled over Sasha, but I would have WON (wink)! She stepped into grant writing, and what a fabulous job she has done!

From a young woman with a powerful story, to a woman with life-earned wisdom, we have been honored to be part of her life. What a joy to celebrate her marriage and now motherhood! As I shared with her today, she will be wonderful in her new role (as she is in everything), doing it with all her heart and a spirit of excellence.

Sasha, we hope for ALL the best for you!
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