This morning, six girls were out making the world a better place. I was there, I took photos, and I had my proud moments again. But you know what made me stop and think today? This young girl.
As we took photos, she had an idea for a picture. Then another idea ... and another. I offered her one of my cameras, and she told me that she liked being in front of the camera but not really behind it (quite the opposite of me). My daughter and I showed her a couple of things about the camera and how it worked. Before we knew it, the photographer had been unleashed!
There were no lack of ideas, and I think we attempted nearly every one of them. There was laughter, delighted squeals when something turned out extra special, and the animated gushing only pre-teen girls can do that makes everything feel like an adventure. So, an adventure we had! All it took was a little spark of inspiration and someone to take note and fan the flame.
(Get ready to sing ... I'm taking you back to my junior high church choir and our favorite song.)
It Only Takes A Spark ... To Get A Fire Going ... The words are more than a song in my head. At least they are when I stop to think about it! As a mom, I think I'm guilty of letting sparks die far too often. I admit it. I'm busy. We have a demanding schedule. And there are opportunities that slide by on a daily basis. I think it's that way for so many of us moms out there. It's probably that way in any realm for ANY of us out there.
I'll admit something else. This adventure was not something I did by choice. It's humbling, but I truly only made the effort because my department made a mistake in posting the information for this particular opportunity. While I probably could have waved a boss wand and sent the situation elsewhere, I decided to personally get involved and try to make it something special. I had to wrestle myself out of the house to go do it!
Roll that all together, and there are several life lessons to toss around. But you know what? I'm just glad I somehow had the patience to let the moments unfold. It really was only a spark. And out of the 441 photos we brought back with us ... less than 100 were mine! Yep, I'd say that was a fire.