Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Birdsong Action Figure

Fashioned after everyone's favorite Property Director, Mike Birdsong, the Birdsong Action Figure comes complete with dress clothes ("duds" as one lady exclaimed) and a shovel ... just $9.95 at the Tulsa Girl Scouts office!

I can't believe it is snowing AGAIN! The office is nearing vacancy again, and who knows if people will be in tomorrow! What's worse, this weather-illiterate Girl Scout (shame on me) had no clue and came without a coat!
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


The city is beautiful ... though I didn't see much from this view! When I wasn't scurrying through subways, I was eating or at a meeting. This was almost a rare treat to view city lights from the hotel window! Though my original photo shoot plans fell through, one of the highlights of my weekend in Boston (pronounced "Bwahston" by the locals) was meeting with a PR Manager for Girl Scouts. It was wonderful to meet with her and glean a few morsels from her experience and opinions! I'm excited about helping our own Council take some more steps in that area, and her input will definitely help!
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cookie Week Publicity

I got to tag along to a television interview today. This week I believe we have 4 television appearances. It's COOKIE TIME! The big Girl Scout Cookie Sale begins on Saturday.